JYNNS Singapore
JYNNS Cardio Plus 500ml
JYNNS Cardio Plus 500ml
JYNNS Cardio Plus 500ml
JYNNS Cardio Plus is made by 5️⃣ natural materials, rich in ✨active nutrition and has the most concentrated essenceObtained MSU University research confirmed to effectively reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides (TG) in the blood, prevent accumulation and blockage in blood vessels, and restore elasticity of blood vessels! It is definitely the No 1 heart protector formulation that suitable for all ages in Malaysia!
Consume a tablespoon every morning and evening helps to:
✅Improve three high troubles
✅Prevents blockage of cardiovascular buildup
✅Boosts metabolism
✅Relieve joints pain
✅Improve detoxification and constipation
Ginger, Garlic, Lemon, Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey.
Serving Suggestion:
1 spoon (15ml) per serving, twice a day in the morning and evening. It tastes better without mixing with water. Shake well before consume.
Store in cool dry place. Avoid direct sunlight, refrigerate once open.